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Fridays For Future Dublin

What can you do to Stop CETA?

Below are some resources on the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) and how you can help. Scroll to find an email template that is ready to be sent off to your local representatives.

Email Templates

This is an email template that can be copied by you and sent to the emails below. Just follow these three simple steps:


1. Copy all of the sample email and paste it into a new email

2. Copy these email addresses into the bcc part of the email and cc this email:



3. Finally, make sure you change the email text to make it personal to you by adding your name at the end and put 'Stop CETA' into the subject bar. Also, don't be afraid to change up the email so it suits you and you make the most impact on the decision-makers!


JOCCA is Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action, they're one of the best-placed committees to properly scrutinise CETA, but there are efforts to remove CETA/ICS from their work plan. Emailing them to convince them not to remove it before Tuesday evening would be very useful!

A Chara,


I am very concerned about the Investment aspects of the CETA trade agreement in relation to the Wellbeing of Ireland: On Feb 9th Government announced the launch of their Wellbeing Framework for Ireland, which is in the programme for government 2021 and will be working with NESC to develop this. Richard Bruton articulated it very well on Twitter: “wellbeing indicators must be embedded in our political process, so they can drive, guide, inspire and measure public policy … What gets measured is what gets done” (Twitter, Feb 9th, 2021).

This is a welcome commitment. I would like to draw your attention to NESC's 2009 report Wellbeing Matters, particularly its definition of wellbeing and six domains for assessing wellbeing:


"a person’s wellbeing relates to their physical, social and mental state. It requires that basic needs are met, that people have a sense of purpose, that they feel able to achieve important goals, to participate in society and to live the lives they value and have reason to value. People’s well-being is enhanced by conditions that include financial and personal security, meaningful and rewarding work, supportive personal relationships, strong and inclusive communities, good health, a healthy and attractive environment, and values of democracy and social justice"(NESC, 2009)


Ratification of CETA and the power of its Investment Court System to sue governments who introduce legislation that threatens a foreign investor’s expected profits, raise serious concerns for the wellbeing of the people of Ireland in ALL six domains. Examples related to the six domains identified in NESC Well-Being Matters (2009) include:



  • Economic Resources: - p. 72 


  • Pension reform in an ageing population leaves us open to litigation from Canadian companies like Great-West Lifeco (Irish Life) if policy impacts their profits 


  • Work and Participation: - p.79 


  • Egypt was sued for raising the Minimum wage by Canadian company Veolia, and tied up in litigation for six years – Veolia is also based in Ireland with contracts for the Luas under their company Transdev.


  • Veolia are also a giant water corporation with contracts for wastewater management in Ireland and a reputation for hostile acquisition behaviour


  • Relationships and Care: - p.88


  • A grave concern that needs full legal/constitutional scrutiny “…almost any regulatory or institutional aspect of healthcare provision can be challenged as a potential obstacle to the free movement of services” (Vanhercke et al, 2017, p.136). 


  • Community and Environment: - p.95


  • Irelands biggest landlord is the Canadian company IRES. If the government introduces legislation, such as rent control, to address the current housing crisis, or nationalises public assets like apartment blocks, under CETA’s ICS we can be sued.


  • Canadian companies Vermilion Energy and Irving Oil are two of Ireland’s largest energy investments, how will this impact our Climate Action commitments to transition away from fossil fuels?


  • Alstom who have the Luas maintenance contract sued Mongolia in an Investment court under the Energy Charter Treaty



  • Health: - p.104


  • Public health policy improving access to affordable healthcare and generic medicines e.g Cancer medicines; may result in litigation from drug companies like Novartis (Friends of the Earth, 2019, p.20) and private health insurance companies like Great-West Lifeco (Irish Life) 


  • Democracy and Values: - p.116


  • ICS is outside of the EU/Irish judicial systems. If people cannot exercise democracy, then we are stripped of our democratic rights to participate in decisions that affect us. 


  • In terms of Cultural Identity, Equality and Rights for Irish speaking citizens, have all documents related to CETA /ICS been made available as Gaeilge?


  • Ratification of an undemocratic litigation mechanism that places our national wellbeing at risk, erodes Trust in National Political Institutions – identified by NESC as a key indicator of wellbeing. 


NESC’s Wellbeing report states that: "Public policy’s role is to bring about these conditions by placing the individual at the centre of policy development and delivery, by assessing the risks facing him/her and ensuring the supports are available to address those risks at key stages in his/her life"(NESC, 2009).  


Since ALL six domains of the multiple and interconnected dimensions of wellbeing are placed at risk by the threat litigation may have on regulating public policy (facilitated by the ICS mechanism in CETA): 


I call upon ALL Oireachtas Committees focused on the wellbeing of the people of Ireland to commence full scrutiny of the CETA Trade Agreement – including the Department of the Taoiseach. 


I would be most grateful for your urgent and swift response on this matter to outline your intended plans and timescale for Oireachtas Committees to commence full scrutiny of CETA. 


Yours sincerely, 




This is an email template that can be copied by you and sent to your representatives. Just follow these three simple steps:


1. Copy all of the text below and paste it into a new email

2. Visit to find your County Councillors and TDs and copy their email addresses into the bcc part of the email and cc this email:

3. Finally, make sure you change the email text to make it personal to you by adding your name at the end and put 'Stop CETA' into the subject bar. Also, don't be afraid to change up the email so it suits you and you make the most impact on the decision-makers!


Or you can click on this link and carry out the relevant changes!

A Chara,
I am writing to you, to urge you to vote to delay ratification of the Investor Court Mechanisms of the upcoming Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada so it can be properly analysed at committee.

CETA is much more than a trade deal and has huge ramifications for Ireland.
CETA will damage Ireland’s ability to legislate for stronger Workers' Rights such as compulsory company sick pay/pension schemes or climate actions such as a ban on plastic bottles.
CETA enables Private corporations to sue governments for potential loss of profits as a result of governments changing policy, in the private dispute settlement courts of ISDS.

There is no end to the possibilities, billions of euros have already been paid out by governments in fines and costs to corporations who have successfully sued governments in ISDS in other trade agreements such as North American free trade agreement NAFTA.


I am urging you to vote to send CETA to committee for discussion, this is too great a change to how justice is carried out in Ireland to not undergo a robust critical analysis. 
ISDS has been used by corporations to sue national governments, undermine politicians and the democratic process across the world everything from tobacco companies suing against the introduction of plain packaging to companies seeking massive compensation when governments tried to limit fracking in Canada or the introduction of a minimum wage in Egypt.  
Canadian owned company IRES is the largest private landlord in Ireland. The signing of CETA could have huge implications for tenants and exacerbate the housing crisis.  
The fear of litigation would have a chilling effect on the government's ability to enact fair and balanced legislation.  
We need strong leaders to guide this country, not transfer power to Multinational Corporations, Vulture funds and private courts.  



Since January 2019, we have been striking every week outside the Dáil, demanding that the government takes action to fight the Climate Crisis.

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